AUGUST 15, 2024, 7:00 P.M.


A Regular Meeting of the Elm Creek Village Board of Trustees was convened in open and public session at the Elm Creek Village Center, 535 W. Boyd Avenue, Elm Creek, Nebraska at 7:00 p.m. on August 15, 2024.  Advance Notice of this meeting was given in advance thereof by posting of Notice in three public places within the Village and publication in the Beacon Observer, as shown in the Certificate of Posting affixed to these minutes.  Advance Notice was simultaneously given to the Chairman and all members of the Board of Trustees and their acknowledgment of receipt of Notice and the agenda are affixed to these minutes.  Tanner Tool called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. by calling for the roll with the following members responding:  Davis Miner, Tanner Tool, Michael Strong, Kyle Lawrence & Mike Brown.  Absent: None.  Tanner announced that in accordance with Section 84-1412 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes, a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is available for review and is posted on the east wall of the meeting room.



It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Davis to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of the minutes of the Regular Meeting on July 17, 2024, and the Claims for the month of August in the amount of $336,332.36.  Ayes: Kyle, Mike, Davis, Michael & Tanner.  Nays: none.  The motion carried.


SHERIFF’S REPORT:  Capt Anderson & Sgt Hall were in attendance.  Anderson reported that there had been an increase in code violations for overgrown yards in July and August. They are continuing to keep watch on the golf carts and have also seen an increase in motorized scooters.  There are no rules for scooters but there are safety concerns.  They have been monitoring the one-way by the school and so far, there haven’t been any issues.  They will have increased coverage for Buffalo Stampede weekend.




AGENDA ITEM #1: Caden Frank with the Nebraska Association of School Boards presented the Community Strategic Plan and discussed the core elements that we will be working to implement.
Caden presented the final draft of our Strategic Plan.  There are 3 main areas that the board and community surveys identified as priorities: Community Climate and Culture, Education, and Business and Economic Development.  It is his suggestion that the board create sub-committees for those 3 focus areas and ask members of the community to join those committees.


AGENDA ITEM #2: Consider and approve Pay Application #1 to GD Concrete for Beecroft Street Improvements Project #9-M5-15 for $200,043.40
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Mike to approve Pay Application #1 to GD Concrete for the Beecroft Street Improvements Project #9-M5-15 for $200,043.40
Ayes: Michael, Kyle, Mike, Tanner & Davis.  Nays: None.  The motion carried.

AGENDA ITEM #3: Consider and Pay Application #2 to GD Concrete for Beecroft Street Improvements Project #9-M5-15 for $15,368.60

It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Mike to approve Pay Application #2 to GD Concrete for the Beecroft Street Improvements Project #9-M5-15 for $15,368.60.
Ayes: Tanner, Kyle, Mike, Michael & Davis.  Nays:  None.  The motion carried.


AGENDA ITEM #4: Consider and approve the additional 1% Allowable Increase in the Restricted Fund Authority
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Davis to approve the additional 1% Allowable Increase in the Restricted Fund Authority.
Ayes:  Tanner, Kyle, Mike, Michael & Davis.  Nays: None.  The motion carried.

AGENDA ITEM #5:  Approve and authorize the signing of the Municipal Annual Certification of Program Compliance to the Nebraska Board of Public Roads Classifications and Standards 2024 by Resolution.

Tanner introduced and read resolution 2024-7 in full.
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Davis to approve resolution 2024-7. Ayes: Tanner, Mike, Michael, Kyle & Davis. Nays: None.  The motion carried.


AGENDA ITEM #6: Transfer $215,000 from the FirsTier Bank money market account to the FirsTier Bank checking account
The transfer is to pay for the Beecroft Street improvement project.
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Mike to approve the transfer.  Ayes:  Davis, Mike, Kyle, Tanner, & Michael.  Nays: None.  The motion carried.


AGENDA ITEM #7: Consider and approve N Tyler Street closure August 17 from Oak Ave to Anita Lane from 10:00am to 4:00pm for Stampede activities in the park.
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Kyle to approve the N Tyler Street closure August 17 from Oak Ave to Anita Lane from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Ayes: Mike, Davis, Tanner, Michael & Kyle. Nays:   The motion carried.

It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Davis to go into executive session to discuss nuisance properties at 7:37pm.  Ayes: Kyle, Mike, Tanner, Davis & Michael.  Nays: None.  The motion carried.

Tanner announced that we came out of executive session at 8:10pm.


Dusty gave an update on the 2024/2025 budget.  The park pathway expansion was added for $63,000 and infrastructure for the new land pump and pipe is estimated at $150,000.  The board recommended a 3% increase to personnel wages. The estimated budget is just over $2 million.  There was discussion to raise the levy by $.02 so Dusty will have the accountant run the numbers with the increase.
The library will not be holding a book sale during the Stampede this year.

AGENDA ITEM #10:  Adjournment

All agenda items having been considered, it was moved by Michael and seconded by Mike to adjourn this Regular Meeting.  Ayes:  Mike, Michael, Tanner, Davis & Kyle.  Nays: none.  The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:42pm.

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