DECEMBER 14, 2023, 7:00 P.M.
A Regular Meeting of the Elm Creek Village Board of Trustees convened in open and public session at the Village Center, 535 W. Boyd Avenue, Elm Creek, Nebraska at 7:00 p.m. on December 14, 2023. Advance Notice of this meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Beacon Observer and posting of same in three public places within the Village, as shown in the Certificate of Posting affixed to these minutes. Advance Notice was simultaneously given to the Chairman and all members of the Board of Trustees and their acknowledgment of receipt of Notice and the agenda are affixed to these minutes. Tanner Tool called the meeting to order at 7:01pm by calling for the roll, with the following members responding: Davis Miner, Michael Strong, Tanner Tool, Mike Brown, and Kyle Lawrence. Tanner announced that in accordance with Section 84-1412 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes, a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is available for review and is posted on the east wall of the meeting room.
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Davis to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of the minutes of the Regular Meeting on November 16, 2023, and the approval of the Claims for the month of December 2023 totaling $67,967.20. Ayes: Kyle, Michael, Davis, Mike, and Tanner. Nays: None. The motion carried.
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Mike to adjourn the meeting Sine Die at 7:02pm. Ayes: Davis, Michael, Tanner, Mike, and Kyle. Nays: None. The motion carried.
The Clerk asked for nominations for Chairperson of the Board. Davis nominated Tanner Tool. It was then moved by Mike and seconded by Michael to cease nominations. Ayes: Michael, Davis, Tanner, Kyle, and Mike. Nays: none. The motion carried and the nominations ceased. There was no need to carry out a secret ballot vote. Tanner Tool was appointed as Chairman. Tanner then called the meeting to order at 7:04pm. Tanner appointed Davis Miner as Vice-Chairman. It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Michael to ratify the appointment of Davis Miner as Vice Chairman. Ayes: Mike, Michael, Kyle, and Tanner. Nays: None. Abstain: Davis. The motion carried.
SHERIFF’S REPORT: Captain Bob Anderson said countywide for the month of November there wasn’t anything of consequence to report. No weather events due to the mild weather and very little other activity.
AGENDA ITEM #1: DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: Designate depositories for Village funds; designate legal publication.
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Michael to approve FirsTier Bank as the designated depository for the Village funds. Ayes: Kyle, Michael, Tanner, Mike, and Davis. Nays: none. The motion carried.
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Michael to approve the Beacon Observer as the legal publication. Ayes: Davis, Mike, Michael, Kyle, and Tanner. Nays: None. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #2: DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: Appointment of Village officials and Boards
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Mike to appoint the following officials and boards:
- Village Attorney- Taylor L’Heureux Dewald Deaver L’Heureux Law Firm
- Village Engineer-Lance Harter with Oak Creek Engineering
- Street Superintendent- Lance Harter with Oak Creek Engineering
- Municipal Administrator – Dusty Newton
- Municipal Clerk/Treasurer-Amy Gillming
- Utilities Superintendent – Scott Fisher
- Emergency Management Director-Scott Fisher
- Librarian-Jane Walker
- Zoning Administrator-Dusty Newton
- Board of Health-Captain Bob Anderson, Carol Jorgensen, and Tanner Tool
- Board of Adjustment – to remain the current Village Board members
- Committees: to Park/Cemetery: Michael and Mike; Sewer/Water: Tanner and Kyle; Streets/Garbage: Davis and Tanner.
Ayes: Davis, Michael, Tanner, Mike, and Kyle. Nays: None. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #3: DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: Create a Safety Committee
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Davis to create a Safety Committee for the Village of Elm Creek. Ayes: Kyle, Michael, Davis, Mike, and Tanner. Nays: None. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #4: DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: Appoint 2 Trustees to the Safety Committee
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Mike to appoint Kyle and Tanner to the Safety Committee
Ayes: Michael, Mike, and Davis. Nays: None. Abstain: Tanner and Kyle. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #5: DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: Resolution approving an agreement for professional services with Oak Creek Engineering for the Beecroft Street Paving Engineering Proposal
Tanner read Resolution 2023-7 in full. It was then moved by Tanner and seconded by Kyle to approve Resolution 2023-7; A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH OAK CREEK ENGINEERING. Ayes: Tanner, Kyle, Davis, Mike, and Michael. Nays: None. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #6: DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: Resolution for Stop Sign on Elm Avenue and North Beecroft Street
Tanner read Resolution 2023-8 in full. It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Kyle to approve Resolution 2023-8;. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF ELM CREEK, NEBRASKA PROVIDING FOR THE PLACEMENT OF STOP SIGNS WITHIN THE MUNICIPALITY’S JURISDICTION AND REPEALING ANY RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. Ayes: Davis, Tanner, Mike, and Kyle. Nays: Michael. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #7: DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: Consider Elm Creek becoming a Tree City
Michael and Dusty have been looking into what it takes to become a Tree City. There are a few processes and procedures to go through before we can make a proclamation so they will begin working on those. No action taken.
AGENDA ITEM #8: DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: Utility Accounts – bad debt on old accounts.
We currently have $1,549.40 in bad debt. Most of the accounts on the list have been sent to collections with no results. The oldest account on the list is from 2012. It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Mike to write off bad debt on the old accounts Amy has on her list. Ayes: Davis, Kyle, Mike, Michael, and Tanner. Nays: None. The motion carried.
EMPLOYEE REPORTS: Our 2 CD’s at FirsTier Bank will be maturing this month. We will be renewing them for another 10 months at an APR of 5.66%.
Dusty spoke with Larry Gydesen about his plans for the old Red Top project. They will be meeting with Trevor Lee from the Economic Development Council to figure out the next steps for the property.
Caden Frank from the Nebraska Association of School Boards will be at our January Meeting to discuss the data obtained from the Community Survey.
We received the Community for Kids Initiative Grant so there will be an orientation for that on January 16.
The south siren does not rotate anymore. The siren is very old, and belt driven so it could just be a bad belt. Darrin Lewis with Buffalo County Emergency Management suggested getting a new siren for the pole by the Village Building that would project enough to cover the entire town and eliminate the south one. Dusty has him getting bids for one. We have some Covid money left that could potentially cover the cost.
Kyle asked if it was necessary for the siren to blow for every emergency call. With the technology we have now he doesn’t see a reason for it. They asked Capt Bob his opinion and he said that it is an issue in other towns as well. Dusty will speak with Tyler Hillmer and Darrin to get their thoughts on it.
The school approached us about building a greenhouse at the park for the FFA program. Dusty presented the plans and location that had been discussed. The board has concerns about having it in the park so they would prefer the school to explore other options.
AGENDA ITEM #9: Adjournment.
All agenda items having been considered, it was moved by Mike and seconded by Michael to adjourn this Regular Meeting. Ayes: Davis, Michael, Tanner, Mike, and Kyle. Nays: None. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8:04pm.