May 19, 2023 at 10:00 A.M.
A Special Meeting of the Elm Creek Village Board of Trustees was convened in open and public session at the Elm Creek Village Center, 535 W. Boyd Avenue, Elm Creek, Nebraska at 10:00 A.M. on May 19, 2023. Advance Notice of this meeting was given in advance thereof by posting of Notice in three public places within the Village. Advance Notice was simultaneously given to the Chairman and all members of the Board of Trustees and their acknowledgment of receipt of Notice and the agenda are affixed to these minutes. Tanner Tool called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. by calling for the roll with the following members responding: Kyle Lawrence, Tanner Tool, Davis Miner, and Michael Strong. Absent: Mike Brown. Tanner announced that in accordance with Section 84-1412 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes, a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is available for review and is posted on the east wall of the meeting room.
AGENDA ITEM #1: DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: Consider and approve hot patch work on streets from Dan Jensen of Lincoln
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Michael Strong to approve the hot patch work by Dan Jensen of Lincoln for $29,972.50 Ayes: Kyle, Michael, Davis, and Tanner. Nays: none. Absent: Mike Brown. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #2: DISCUSSION/ACTION RE: Consider and Approve authorizing the expenditure of up to $29,000.00 on street crack filling.
It was moved by Tanner and seconded by Davis to approve the authorization of spending up to $29,000.00 on street crack filling. Ayes: Michael, Tanner, Kyle, and Davis. Nays: none. Absent: Mike Brown. The motion carried.
AGENDA ITEM #3: Adjournment
All agenda items having been considered, it was moved by Michael Strong and seconded by Kyle Lawrence to adjourn this Special Meeting. Ayes: Kyle, Michael, Davis, Mike and Tanner. Nays: none. Absent: Mike Brown. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 10:13 a.m.
Chairman-Elm Creek Village Board
Village Clerk (SEAL)